Welcome to Montello Junior and High School. We look forward to working with you this year in pursuit of our purpose to inspire children to be life-long learners and to provide our students with the tools to fulfill their unique potential in a safe and positive environment in a fiscally responsible manner.
The Wisconsin Forward Exam was developed to assess English language arts and mathematics
The Wisconsin Forward Exam was developed to assess English language arts and mathematics skills for students in grades 3-8, science knowledge and skills for students in grades 4 and 8 and social studies knowledge and skills for students in grades 4, 8 and 10 The testing window for all students in Wisconsin to be evaluated using the Wisconsin Forward Exam is March 17 through April 25. We will establish an assessment schedule for students based on several factors, such as optimal testing times of the day, comfortable settings for testing, adequate breaks between assessments, minimal impact on instruction, and individual student needs. Once the schedule is set, we will send information home, so that you can help prepare your child to do their best.
The open enrollment application period for the 2025-26 school year is February 3, 2025 - April 30,
The open enrollment application period for the 2025-26 school year is February 3, 2025 - April 30, 2025 at 4:00pm. The best way to apply is online (a link to the online application will be available on the DPI website during the application period). Any Wisconsin resident in 4K to grade 12 may apply to attend a nonresident school district under the open enrollment program. However, a child may transfer to a nonresident school district for early childhood education or 4K only if the child’s resident school district offers the same type of program and only if the child is eligible for that program in the resident school district.
Let's continue to celebrate our Class of 2025 graduates, we are so proud of you!Read Full Post
Posted: March 27, 2:32 PM
March 27, 1:41 PM
Middle school students explored nature through an English Language Arts lens. Students chose literary titles to their adventures,...Read Full Post
Posted: March 27, 1:41 PM
March 27, 1:28 PM
Maestra Schmidt's Spanish students travel to El Popo Mexican restaurant in Wautoma to practice communicating and ordering their meal in...Read Full Post