Students who are in special education have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) with specific goals to meet their academic, behavioral, communication, social-emotional, and/or functional needs. Students with an IEP must first have a comprehensive evaluation completed by the school district and have a meeting to determine eligibility. The team members for the evaluation include: the student’s classroom teacher, parent / guardian, special education teacher, a school administrator, the school psychologist, and any other support staff who may be needed, such as a speech therapist or the school counselor.
If you would like to refer a student for a special education evaluation, please fill out the referral form and email it to Mikayla Mlsna. You can also mail the completed referral form to:
Montello School District
Attn: Mikayla Mlsna
222 Forest Lane
Montello, WI 53949
If you have any questions about the special education department or evaluation process, please reach out to Barb Beyer or Mikayla Mlsna.
Consistent with Federal and State regulations, the Montello School District engages in ongoing “Child Find” services to locate, identify, and evaluate all students with disabilities residing within its jurisdiction, age birth through 21 inclusive. Montello School provides appropriate special education services to students who qualify. Children, aged birth through 2, are referred to Birth to 3 services through Marquette County and transitioned to Montello School District by age 3.
Child Find activities are conducted (1) to create public awareness of special education programs, (2) to advise the public of the rights of students, and (3) to alert the community residents of the need for identifying and serving children with disabilities from the age of birth through 21 inclusive. These children may have difficulty walking, talking, hearing, or learning, or may display behaviors that appear different from other children their age.
Children eligible for special education include those children ages 3 through 21 with disabilities who have autism, deaf-blindness, developmental delay, emotional disability, hearing impairment, Intellectual disability, orthopedic impairment, other health impairment, specific learning disability, speech or language impairment, traumatic brain injury, or visual impairment and who because of such an impairment need Special Education services.
If you know of a child who is age birth through age 2 who may have individual needs that result from developmental delays please contact Birth to 3 at (608) 297-3124.
If you know of a child who is 3 through 21 years of age who may have individual needs that result from disabilities or developmental delays, and who is not enrolled in a school program, please contact Barb Beyer, Director of Special Education and Student Services, at (608) 297-2126 ext 273.